Sucursal Obispado
Avenida Cerro de las Mitras #2201
Col. Obispado
Monterrey, N.L.
Guadalupe 431 Oriente
Col. Centro
Guadalupe, NL
Responsable Sanitario Dr. Juan Luis González Treviño
CP 2709064 | CE 3273560 | Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León |
| Certificación CMO 1843 | PERMISO DE PUBLICIDAD COFEPRIS 233300201A2625
The Centro Médico del Ojo offers you 22 years of experience, and specialized, professional and personalized attention in the care of your eyes. We have the best team of Ophthalmologists in Nuevo León, led by Dr. Juan Luis González Treviño.
We are waiting for you at our clinics in Obispado and Guadalupe for a comprehensive and thorough examination of the EYES (visual field and fundus of the eye, eye pressure measurement and pupil dilation).
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Revisiones periódicas para una buena salud visual/ For good visual health
Our Ophthalmologists are certified by the Mexican Council of Ophthalmology.
A laser eye operation or refractive surgery is a set of surgical techniques used to eliminate or reduce ocular refractive errors.
These very common refraction problems can be due to myopia (not seeing well from a distance), hyperopia (blurred vision of close objects) and astigmatism (not seeing well up close).
Refractive surgery can be performed through laser techniques (laser refractive surgery with Lasik technique), for example. They are modern techniques that allow the patient to recover 20/20 vision, meaning, they will no longer need to wear glasses.
It is a simple, outpatient surgery with quick recovery that WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Make an assessment appointment to find out if you are a candidate, remember that the attention we offer is personalized. A professional assessment like the one we provide requires a complete review of each patient to determine the required technique and guarantee the success of the surgery.
We have 22 years of experience and we'll serve you in safe and comfortable facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, all in the same place.
Leave your EYES in the hands of EXPERTS.